Story of E-SPECIES
GronTapu goodness
Does the world need to change? That depends on who you ask. They may or may not want it to change for so many reasons, or say it changes anyhow whether you want it or not. So let's leave it as an open question.
If you look at life, it looks a lot like a game with many levels and one life. And survival was and still is its name. I don't think anyone would want to buy such a game if if they had the choice. Not even as a free download. But in the game of life we don't get to choose.
Every specie on earth has been playing that game and evolved many strategies to play it better. But one form took everything by surprise and that is the way the neocortex caused new ways of creativity to emerge. Suddenly one species could start to change the rules of the game. In the game world we would call this cheating.
What if we could change the game in such a way that all species get to play a much better game? That is what advancements in science and technology can bring to the world. Unfortunately the greediness of some has caused an unfairness in the new game. We seem to act like we are alone on earth, but there's so much more here.
So if we can finally change the rules of the game in a way everyone can play a better game, shouldn't we at least try to do it right this time?
No, we are not playing god, but just changing the game of survival into a game of creativity.
Now you may wonder why there must be rules. The lesser rules a game has, the harder it gets to play it. It ruins a game if there are no rules.
Isn't it silly that we search for extraterrestrial life, wondering if we are alone, while here on earth we sometimes forget about other humans and even threaten other species.
We now have the technology to model the most advanced architecture, but still prefer just to put concrete everywhere. We have a lot of data about how environments and habitats work and are collecting a lot more now.
Why don't we model environments where nature can be nature and humans can keep on pretending they are not a part of it. We are not asking anyone to return to the jungle here, just to rethink the way we turn everything into concrete like we are the only species on the planet.
Before we can become a multi-planetary specie, we need to work on how to model environments in such a way that it keeps the existing habitats as balanced as possible. If we can't figure out how to design environments that can keep existing species off the endangered list, how will we ever be able to become a multi-planetary specie?
We don't seem to realize that, the more advanced we get, the more responsible we become for the current state of the e-species list.
Of course a lot of you will wish that some species shouldn't have ever existed. But the point is, because they survived thus far, we can learn from them how they did it. And if they are endangered, what caused the shift and can that shift cause more harm?
Not every specie could adapt to change fast enough to be able to survive. And sometimes the change was unreasonably rapid like during a mass extinction event.
But one specie evolved to adapt its surroundings instead. This changed the whole game and it means we can help others to survive too, either by maintaining existing habitats, or creating new ones that would help the existing species strive in a way nature intended, but enhanced by the intelligence which made us the masters of survival.
Let’s try not to make the e-species list any longer. It's already long enough.
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| T e.c.h.n.o.l.o.g.y | E n.t.e.r.t.a.i.n.m.e.n.t | A r.t | M u.s.i.c | S c.i.e.n.c.e |
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